Friday, January 29, 2010

Two Blogs Are Better Than One (sometimes)

That's what I've got going, two blogs about Coeur d'Alene and North Idaho. I work part time for Kagey Company that, among other things, publishes the annual Guide to North Idaho. My tasks include gathering information on what's happening in North Idaho and updating not only the accompanying website,, but also the companion blogs, Facebok and Twitter accounts.

Yes, I've slacked off here, but I've been covering lots of stuff at the FYI North Idaho blog. So check that out as well to keep up with all the stuff I write about. We're going to have a lot of fun with all this. Not only will I cover my personal memories and thoughts about growing up and living in Coeur d'Alene here, but I'll also cover North Idaho history, tidbits, factoids and even fun and crazy "urban legends" of this wonderful area.

I love feedback, input and even corrections. Please chime in with what you know and feel free to ask questions or suggest topics to cover.

Yes, it's a dream job, writing about my lifelong stomping grounds. Easy to do for a local boy who loves North Idaho and the wonderful people that live here. Stay tuned, won't ya?
